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FRESHWAYVDR 6364fb55d7a2b00001ba88b6 Products
Heat To Eat

Veg Biryani with Salan

INR 135
COD not available


Product details

( Packet Weight: 330 gms ) NO ADDED PRESERVATIVES, 100% NATURAL, NO ADDED COLOURS Experience the Royal Traditional Mughlai main course loaded with chopped vegetables and a blend of various aromatic spices. Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Tomato, Green Peas, Carrot, Garlic, Ginger, Iodized Salt, Butter, Cotton Seed Oil & Mixed Indian Spices. Precautions: - Store in cool and dry place and away from direct sunlight. - Once opened consume completely. - Do not use inner pouches if Leaking or Bloated. - No Refrigeration required.

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