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FRESHWAYVDR 6364fb55d7a2b00001ba88b6 Products
  • 2023-01-19T05:43:06

Ready to Eat Upma Our Packet Weight is 70 gms and Rehydrated Weight is 300 gms. Everyone’s favorite and full of nutrition, this power snack is perfect breakfast choice enjoy delicious Upma ready in minute made with no preservatives and 100% love. Our Ingredients Semolina (Suji), Mustard Seeds, Cumin, Curry Leaves, Asafoetida, Green Chilli, Sugar, Ginger, Urad Daal, Dehydrated Onion Flakes, Vegetable Ghee, Coriander, Dried Vegetables, Iodized Salt and Citric Acid (INS 330).

Ready to Eat Upma Our Packet Weight is 70 gms and Rehydrated Weight is 300 gms. Everyone’s favorite and full of nutrition, this power snack is perfect breakfast choice enjoy delicious Upma ready in minute made with no preservatives and 100% love. Our Ingredients Semolina (Suji), Mustard Seeds, Cumin, Curry Leaves, Asafoetida, Green Chilli, Sugar, Ginger, Urad Daal, Dehydrated Onion Flakes, Vegetable Ghee, Coriander, Dried Vegetables, Iodized Salt and Citric Acid (INS 330).

  • 2023-01-19T05:43:06

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