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FRESHWAYVDR 6364fb55d7a2b00001ba88b6 Products
  • 2022-12-24T12:42:23

Ready to eat Pav Bhaji Our Packet Weight is 55 gms and Rehydrated Weight is 275 gms. NO ADDED PRESERVATIVES, 100% NATURAL, NO ADDED COLOURS Fall in love with Mumbai’s very own spicy ragout of boiled, mashed and slow simmered vegetables spiked with a tantalizing array of spices, garnished with a dash of lemon. Processed with state of the art freeze-dry technology. Our Ingredients: Potato, Tomato, Green Peas, Carrot, Cauliflower, Capsicum, Ginger, Green Chilly, Iodized Salt, Cotton Seed Oil, Red Chilly Powder, Fennel Seeds, Coriander Seeds, Cumin, White Pepper, Cardamom, Black Salt, Cloves, Bay Leaf, Stone Flower, and Indian Spices.

Ready to eat Pav Bhaji Our Packet Weight is 55 gms and Rehydrated Weight is 275 gms. NO ADDED PRESERVATIVES, 100% NATURAL, NO ADDED COLOURS Fall in love with Mumbai’s very own spicy ragout of boiled, mashed and slow simmered vegetables spiked with a tantalizing array of spices, garnished with a dash of lemon. Processed with state of the art freeze-dry technology. Our Ingredients: Potato, Tomato, Green Peas, Carrot, Cauliflower, Capsicum, Ginger, Green Chilly, Iodized Salt, Cotton Seed Oil, Red Chilly Powder, Fennel Seeds, Coriander Seeds, Cumin, White Pepper, Cardamom, Black Salt, Cloves, Bay Leaf, Stone Flower, and Indian Spices.

  • 2022-12-24T12:42:23

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