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FRESHWAYVDR 6364fb55d7a2b00001ba88b6 Products
  • 2023-01-20T07:46:15

Ready to eat Gujarati Daal Bhaat Our Packet Weight is 70 gms and Rehydrated Weight is 300 gms NO ONION, NO GARLIC NO ADDED PRESERVATIVES, 100% NATURAL, NO ADDED COLOURS Enjoy the authentic taste of Gujarat with a characteristic sweet, sour and tasty daal peppered with Indian spices, along with the goodness of rice. Processed with state of the art freeze-dry technology. Our Ingredients: Rice, Yellow Lentils, Jaggery, Ghee, Tamarind, Ginger, Green Chilly, Iodized Salt and mixed Indian Spices.

Ready to eat Gujarati Daal Bhaat Our Packet Weight is 70 gms and Rehydrated Weight is 300 gms NO ONION, NO GARLIC NO ADDED PRESERVATIVES, 100% NATURAL, NO ADDED COLOURS Enjoy the authentic taste of Gujarat with a characteristic sweet, sour and tasty daal peppered with Indian spices, along with the goodness of rice. Processed with state of the art freeze-dry technology. Our Ingredients: Rice, Yellow Lentils, Jaggery, Ghee, Tamarind, Ginger, Green Chilly, Iodized Salt and mixed Indian Spices.

  • 2023-01-20T07:46:15

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