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FRESHWAYVDR 6364fb55d7a2b00001ba88b6 Products
  • 2023-01-30T05:01:47

Heat to Eat Veg Biryani with Salan Our Packet Weight is Veg Biryani 250 Gms + Salan 50 Gms = 300 Gms Experience the royal traditional Mughlai main course loaded with chopped vegetables and a blend of various authentic aromatic spices along with Mirchi Ka Salan. Our Ingredients: Veg Biryani Basmati Rice, Potato, Onion, Curd, Carrot, French Beans, Cauliflower, Red Chili Powder, Turmeric Powder, Iodized Salt, Bay Leaves, Cumin Seeds, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mint Leaves, Black Pepper, Ginger, Garlic, Cardamom & Mix Indian Spices.

Heat to Eat Veg Biryani with Salan Our Packet Weight is Veg Biryani 250 Gms + Salan 50 Gms = 300 Gms Experience the royal traditional Mughlai main course loaded with chopped vegetables and a blend of various authentic aromatic spices along with Mirchi Ka Salan. Our Ingredients: Veg Biryani Basmati Rice, Potato, Onion, Curd, Carrot, French Beans, Cauliflower, Red Chili Powder, Turmeric Powder, Iodized Salt, Bay Leaves, Cumin Seeds, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mint Leaves, Black Pepper, Ginger, Garlic, Cardamom & Mix Indian Spices.

  • 2023-01-30T05:01:47

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